Tutorial by Examples: configuration

You can define the signing configuration to sign the apk in the build.gradle file. You can define: storeFile : the keystore file storePassword: the keystore password keyAlias: a key alias name keyPassword: A key alias password You have to define the signingConfigs block to create a signin...
You can define the signing configuration in an external file as a signing.properties in the root directory of your project. For example you can define these keys (you can use your favorite names): STORE_FILE=myStoreFileLocation STORE_PASSWORD=myStorePassword KEY_ALIAS=myKeyAlias KEY_PASSWOR...
You can store the signing information setting environment variables. These values can be accessed with System.getenv("<VAR-NAME>") In your build.gradle you can define: signingConfigs { release { storeFile file(System.getenv("KEYSTORE")) storePasswo...
After installing a Java SDK, it is advisable to check that it is ready to use. You can do this by running these two commands, using your normal user account: $ java -version $ javac -version These commands print out the version information for the JRE and JDK (respectively) that are on your sh...
zsh loads configuration from the ~/.zshrc file on startup. If you make changes to that file, you can either restart zsh or run the following command to reload the configuration. . ~/.zshrc You can alias this useful command in your ~/.zshrc like this: alias reload=". ~/.zshrc"
Dojo received a new loader in Dojo 1.7 to accommodate for the toolkit's new AMD module format. This new loader added a few new configuration options that are crucial to defining packages, maps, and more. For details on the loader, see the Advanced AMD Usage tutorial. Important loader configuration p...
The following configuration options should be called on a Rails::Railtie object config.after_initialize: Takes a block which will be run after rails has initialized the application. config.asset_host: This sets the host for the assets. This is useful when using a Content Delivery Network. This i...
Manage Roles Global Roles- Create roles with selected set of Jenkins features e.g. Usually for a development project, 2 roles can be created. Developer- Global role can be set to only Overall : Read ProjectOwner- Global role can be set to Overall : Read This restricts developer and project ...
Generic redirect to https: # Enable Rewrite engine RewriteEngine on # Check if URL does not contain https RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [NC] # If condition is true, redirect to https RewriteRule (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R=301,L] Generic redirect to http: # Enable Rewrite engine Rewr...
Add the following directive before using any other mod_rewrite directive (RewriteRule, RewriteCond, RewriteBase or RewriteMap). RewriteEngine on By default the engine is turned off. mod_rewrite directives found while the engine is turned off are ignored. Enable it from within the virtual host co...
Important: Using the dynamic configuration files (.htaccess) is a big performance hit. When you have access to the static configuration file (httpd.conf or something similar) you should use that instead. In the static configuration file, allow dynamic configuration files to override "Filei...
Groups can be configured under Suite and/or Test element of testng.xml. All groups which are marked as included in tesng.xml will be considered for execution, excluded one will be ignored. If a @Test method has multiple groups and from those groups if any single groups is excluded in testng.xml that...
The main reason that Nightwatch is so powerful, is because of it's excellent configuration file. Unlike most other testing frameworks, Nightwatch is fully configurable and customizable to different environments and technology stacks. .meteor/nightwatch.json The following configuration file is for...
HTTPS HTTPS (also called HTTP over TLS,[1][2] HTTP over SSL,[3] and HTTP Secure[4][5]) is a protocol for secure communication over a computer network which is widely used on the Internet. HTTPS consists of communication over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) within a connection encrypted by Transp...
ProGuard allows the developer to obfuscate, shrink and optimize his code. #1 The first step of the procedure is to enable proguard on the build. This can be done by setting the 'minifyEnabled' command to true on your desired build #2 The second step is to specify which proguard files are we using...
public class BundleConfig { public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles) { bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include( "~/Scripts/jquery-{version}.js")); bundles.A...
The replica set is a group of mongod instances that maintain the same data set. This example shows how to configure a replica set with three instances on the same server. Creating data folders mkdir /srv/mongodb/data/rs0-0 mkdir /srv/mongodb/data/rs0-1 mkdir /srv/mongodb/data/rs0-2 Starting ...
@Configuration // @Lazy - For all Beans to load lazily public class AppConf { @Bean @Lazy public Demo demo() { return new Demo(); } }
The config location for your runner is: Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml if run as root ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml if run as non-root Windows config.toml where your binary is located A minimal config.toml can look like this: concurrent = 1 [[runners]] name = "E...
Large scale applications often need different properties when running on different environments. we can achieve this by passing arguments to NodeJs application and using same argument in node process to load specific environment property file. Suppose we have two property files for different enviro...

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