Tutorial by Examples: culture

By default the built-in Request Localization middleware only supports setting culture via query, cookie or Accept-Language header. This example shows how create a middleware which allows to set the culture as part of the path like in /api/en-US/products. This example middleware assumes the locale t...
You might want to use it when parsing DateTimes from different cultures (languages), following example parses Dutch date. DateTime dateResult; var dutchDateString = "31 oktober 1999 04:20"; var dutchCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("nl-NL"); DateTime.TryParse(dutch...
Having culture-specific URLs can be beneficial in terms of SEO. E.g. English version of the following page: http://www.mydomain.com/insurance Would translate into: http://www.mydomain.nl/verzekering Instead of: http://www.mydomain.nl/nl-nl/insurance There are more approaches of achievin...

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