Tutorial by Examples: devis

Add gem to the Gemfile: gem 'devise' Then run the bundle install command. Use command $ rails generate devise:install to generate required configuration file. Set up the default URL options for the Devise mailer in each environment In development environment add this line: config.action_mailer...
To set up a controller with user authentication using devise, add this before_action: (assuming your devise model is 'User'): before_action :authenticate_user! To verify if a user is signed in, use the following helper: user_signed_in? For the current signed-in user, use this helper: current_us...
Modify your Gemfile to include the Devise gem: gem 'devise' Then update your gems with: $ bundle install Run the installers in your project: $ rails generate devise:install Then create your Devise model (e.g. User) with: $ rails generate devise User you'll need to set up the default ...
For Facebook config.omniauth :facebook, facebook_app_id, facebook_secret_key, :display => "popup", :scope => 'email,publish_actions', info_fields: 'email,name' For Twitter config.omniauth :twitter, twitter_app_id, twitter_secret_key, :display => "popup", :scope =&gt...

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