Tutorial by Examples: directe

A simple context tree (containing some common values that might be request scoped and included in a context) built from Go code like the following: // Pseudo-Go ctx := context.WithValue( context.WithDeadline( context.WithValue(context.Background(), sidKey, sid), time.Now().A...
The igraph package for R is a wonderful tool that can be used to model networks, both real and virtual, with simplicity. This example is meant to demonstrate how to create two simple network graphs using the igraph package within R v.3.2.3. Non-Directed Network The network is created with this pie...
A cycle in a directed graph exists if there's a back edge discovered during a DFS. A back edge is an edge from a node to itself or one of the ancestors in a DFS tree. For a disconnected graph, we get a DFS forest, so you have to iterate through all vertices in the graph to find disjoint DFS trees. ...
BFS can be used to find the connected components of an undirected graph. We can also find if the given graph is connected or not. Our subsequent discussion assumes we are dealing with undirected graphs.The definition of a connected graph is: A graph is connected if there is a path between every p...

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