Tutorial by Examples: drive

Transaction using JDBC driver is used to control how and when a transaction should commit and rollback. Connection to MySQL server is created using JDBC driver JDBC driver for MySQL can be downloaded here Lets start with getting a connection to database using JDBC driver Class.forName("com.m...
function getGoogleDriveFileById(id) { var file; file = DriveApp.getFileById(id);//Returns a file - The "id" must be a string //One way to manually get a file ID // - Open the file from Google Drive // - The file ID is in the URL in the browsers address bar //https...
function createNewFolderInGoogleDrive() { var folderName,newFolder;//Declare variable names folderName = "Test Folder " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new folder name with date on end newFolder = DriveApp.createFolder(folderName);//Create a new folder in the ro...
function createGoogleDriveFileOfMimeType() { var content,fileName,newFile;//Declare variable names fileName = "Test File " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end content = "This is the file Content"; newFile = DriveApp.crea...
function createGoogleDriveTextFile() { var content,fileName,newFile;//Declare variable names fileName = "Test Doc " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end content = "This is the file Content"; newFile = DriveApp.createFile(...
function createGoogleDriveFileWithBlob() { var blob,character,data,fileName,i,L,max,min,newFile,randomNmbr;//Declare variable names fileName = "Test Blob " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end L = 500;//Define how many times to loop...
Component import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import { FormGroup, FormControl, FORM_DIRECTIVES, REACTIVE_FORM_DIRECTIVES, Validators, FormBuilder, FormArray } from "@angular/forms"; import {Control} from "@angular/common"; ...
public static IWebDriver dismissAlert(this IWebDriver driver) { try { IAlert alert = driver.SwitchTo().Alert(); alert.Dismiss(); } catch {} return driver; } public static IWebDriver acceptAlert(this IWebDriver driver) { try { IAlert a...
This example uses Angular 2.0.0 Final Release registration-form.component.ts import { FormGroup, FormControl, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ templateUrl: "./registration-form.html" }) export class ExampleComponent { ...
Format: cd "<path>" Example: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office" cd is an abbreviation for chdir and the two commands behave in the exact same way. For the sake of consistency, cd will be used throughout this topic. To navigate to the directory one leve...
cd by itself will not allow a user to move between drives. To move to a different drive, the /d option must be specified. e.g. Moving from C:\Users\jdoe\Desktop to D:\Office Work cd /d "D:\Office Work"
[Service] # empty exec prevents error "docker.service has more than one ExecStart= setting, which is only allowed for Type=oneshot services. Refusing." ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --log-driver=syslog This enables syslog logging for the docker daemon. The file sho...
I need to query all the details from virtual machine and update into the MongoDB. Which require the output look like this. { "_id" : ObjectId("5800509f23888a12bccf2347"), "ResourceGrp" : "XYZZ-MachineGrp", "ProcessTime" : ISODate(&q...
using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome; using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox; using OpenQA.Selenium.IE; /// <summary> /// Factory for creating WebDriver for various browsers. /// </summary> public static class WebDriverFactory { /// <summary> /// Initili...
In your Maven project, add the following to your pom.xml file. The following versions are for Cassandra 3.x. <dependency> <groupId>com.datastax.cassandra</groupId> <artifactId>cassandra-driver-core</artifactId> <version>3.1.0</ve...
mount { '/path/to/local/folder': ensure => 'mounted', atboot => false, device => 'server-ip-or-domain:/path/to/server/folder', fstype => 'nfs', options => 'defaults', pass => 0, }
Using the EventFiringWebDriver. You can attach WebDriverEventListener to it and override methodes, ie the onException method: EventFiringWebDriver driver = new EventFiringWebDriver(new FirefoxDriver()); WebDriverEventListener listener = new AbstractWebDriverEventListener() { @Override pu...
Pushd "D:\Foo" Dir Popd Pushd will change the directory to the directory following (in this case D:\Foo. Popd returns back to the original directory.
Naturally, being able to install hard drive cloning utilities can be an important aspect of installing and maintaining your operating system. Getting set up with Clonezilla is surprisingly less straightforward than I'd have expected. The wealth of options, while valuable, also makes each part of id...
app.component.html <div> <div> <div *ngFor="let user of users"> <button class="btn" [@buttonState]="user.active" (click)="user.changeButtonState()">{{user.firstName}}</button> <...

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