Tutorial by Examples: echo

echo and print are language constructs, not functions. This means that they don't require parentheses around the argument like a function does (although one can always add parentheses around almost any PHP expression and thus echo("test") won't do any harm either). They output the string r...
The following code is based on the examples provided by the documentation on std::net::TcpListener. This server application will listen to incoming requests and send back all incoming data, thus acting as an "echo" server. The client application will send a small message and expect a reply...
Any PHP expression within double curly braces {{ $variable }} will be echoed after being run through the e helper function. (So html special characters (<, >, ", ', &) are safely replaced for the corresponding html entities.) (The PHP expression must evaluate to string, otherwise an ...
The echo setting determines whether command echoing is on or off. This is what a sample program looks like with command echoing on (default): C:\Windows\System32>echo Hello, World! Hello, World! C:\Windows\System32>where explorer C:\Windows\System32\explorer.exe C:\Windows\System32&gt...
Starting a File Chooser Activity public void showFileChooser() { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); // Update with mime types intent.setType("*/*"); // Update with additional mime types here using a String[]. intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_M...
Sometimes it is desirable to prevent Prolog from backtracking into alternative solutions. The basic tool available to the programmer to stop prolog from continuing futher in its backtrack is the cut operator. consider the following. % (percent signs mean comments) % a is the parent of b, c, and d....
In this example, we'll create a simple echo server that will listen on the specified port, and being able to handle new connections: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <arpa/inet.h&...
aiohttp provides asynchronous websockets. Python 3.x3.5 import asyncio from aiohttp import ClientSession with ClientSession() as session: async def hello_world(): websocket = await session.ws_connect("wss://echo.websocket.org") websocket.send_str("Hell...
using System.IO.Ports; namespace TextEchoService { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var serialPort = new SerialPort("COM1", 9600, Parity.Even, 8, StopBits.One); serialPort.Open(); string message = &quot...
Quotes will be output as-is: echo "Some Text" "Some Text" Comment tokens are ignored: echo Hello World REM this is not a comment because it is being echoed! Hello World REM this is not a comment because it is being echoed! However, echo will still output var...
Simply specifying a file destination, echo will create, write, or append to a file. <echo file=example.txt" append="false"> hello world </echo>
You can get easily get this information by barfing out the input in your handler function. For example, in Java: public String handleRequest(String input, Context context) { context.getLogger().log("Input: " + input); String output = "Input:" + System.getProperty(&qu...
$ for shell in ash bash dash ksh ksh93 zsh; do > $shell -c "echo '\\\\'$shell'\\\\'" > done \\ash\\ \\bash\\ \dash\ \pdksh\ \\ksh93\\ \zsh\ 'echo' can only be used consistently, across implementations, if its arguments do not contain any backslashes (reverse-solidi...
You can use concatenation to join strings "end to end" while outputting them (with echo or print for example). You can concatenate variables using a . (period/dot). // String variable $name = 'Joel'; // Concatenate multiple strings (3 in this example) into one and echo it once done. ...
Java code: public class StdioApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:spring/integration/stackoverflow/stdio/stdio.xml"); } } Xml config file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&...
Ways to create a file with the echo command: echo. > example.bat (creates an empty file called "example.bat") echo message > example.bat (creates example.bat containing "message") echo message >> example.bat (adds "message" to a new line in example.bat)...
@echo off prevents the prompt and contents of the batch file from being displayed, so that only the output is visible. The @ makes the output of the echo off command hidden as well.
Ways to create a file with the echo command: ECHO. > example.bat (creates an empty file called "example.bat") ECHO message > example.bat (creates example.bat containing "message") ECHO message >> example.bat (adds "message" to a new line in example.bat)...
In this example the microcontroller echos back the received bytes to the sender using UART RX interrupt. #include "stm32f4xx.h" UART_HandleTypeDef huart2; /* Single byte to store input */ uint8_t byte; void SystemClock_Config(void); /* UART2 Interrupt Service Routine */ void...
Our TCP echo back server will be a separate thread. It's simple as its a start. It will just echo back whatever you send it but in capitalised form. public class CAPECHOServer extends Thread{ // This class implements server sockets. A server socket waits for requests to come // in ove...

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