GitHub expands Markdown syntax to provide new useful features.
# Header1
## Header2
### Header3
#### Header4
##### Header5
###### Header6
*Italic1* _Italic2_
**Bold1** __Bold2__
unordered list:
* item-1
* sub-item-1
* sub-item-2
- item-2
- sub-item-3
- sub-item-4
+ item-3
+ sub-item-5
+ sub-item-6
ordered list:
1. item-1
1. sub-item-1
2. sub-item-2
2. item-2
1. sub-item-3
2. sub-item-4
3. item-3
Table Header-1 | Table Header-2 | Table Header-3
:--- | :---: | ---:
Table Data-1 | Table Data-2 | Table Data-3
TD-4 | Td-5 | TD-6
Table Data-7 | Table Data-8 | Table Data-9
inline code- `int i=0`
block code-
``` C
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
printf("Hallow World! \n");
> Stay hungry; stay foolish.
>> Quality is better than quantity.
>>> Life is not fair; get used to it.
[GitHub]( "github website")

- [x] completed item
- [ ] incomplete item
:octocat: :+1: :book: :ghost: :bulb: :imp:
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Any reference to a SHA1 hash of a commit will be converted into a link to the commit itself on GitHub:
Any reference to a pull request or an issue will automatically be linked to that pull request or issue.
This can be done by putting a #
in front of the issue/Pull Request number.