For a more real time solution you can use watchPosition function in Geolocation that notifies whenever an error or a position change occurs. Unlike the getCurrentPosition the watchPosition returns an Observable
import {Geolocation} from 'ionic-native';
import template from './custom-component.html';
selector: 'custom-component',
template: template
export class CustomComponent {
constructor() {
// get the geolocation through an observable
maximumAge: 5000, // a maximum age of cache is 5 seconds
timeout: 10000, // time out after 10 seconds
enableHighAccuracy: true // high accuracy
}).subscribe((position) => {
console.log('Time:' + position.timestamp);
'Position:' + position.coords.latitude + ',' +
console.log('Direction:' position.coords.heading);
console.log('Speed:' position.coords.speed);