Tutorial by Examples: 14

Prerequisites In order to run Elasticsearch, a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required on the machine. Elasticsearch requires Java 7 or higher and recommends Oracle JDK version 1.8.0_73. Install Oracle Java 8 sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update echo "or...
Since there is no STRING_SPLIT function we need to use XML hack to split the string into rows: Example: SELECT split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS Value FROM (SELECT Cast ('<M>' + Replace('A|B|C', '|', '</M><M>')+ '</M>' AS XML) AS Data) AS A CROSS apply data...
C++14 C++14 allows to use auto in lambda argument auto print = [](const auto& arg) { std::cout << arg << std::endl; }; print(42); print("hello world"); That lambda is mostly equivalent to struct lambda { template <typename T> auto operator ()(const...
The C++14 standard is often referred to as a bugfix for C++11. It contains only a limited list of changes of which most are extensions to the new features in C++11. Below you can find an overview of the changes as they have been grouped on the isocpp FAQ with links to more detailed documentation. L...
1067 This is probably related to TIMESTAMP defaults, which have changed over time. See TIMESTAMP defaults in the Dates & Times page. (which does not exist yet) 1292/1366 DOUBLE/Integer Check for letters or other syntax errors. Check that the columns align; perhaps you think you are putting i...
When you try access the records from MySQL database, you may get these error messages. These error messages occurred due to corruption in MySQL database. Following are the types MySQL error code 126 = Index file is crashed MySQL error code 127 = Record-file is crashed MySQL error code 134 = Recor...
(taking a break) With the inclusion of those 4 error numbers, I think this page will have covered about 50% of the typical errors users get. (Yes, this 'Example' needs revision.) 24 Can't open file (Too many open files) open_files_limit comes from an OS setting. table_open_cache needs to be les...
You can use the following instructions to install Theano and configure the GPU (assume a freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04): # Install Theano sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-dev python-pip python-nose g++ libopenblas-dev git sudo pip install Theano # Install Nvidia drivers, ...
For getting the next 10 rows just run this query: SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY id OFFSET 10 ROWS FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY; Key points to consider when using it: ORDER BY is mandatory to use OFFSET and FETCH clause. OFFSET clause is mandatory with FETCH. You can never use, ORDER BY … FETC...
This is most likely the result of scaling your web dynos down to 0 dynos. To fix it, scale your web dynos to 1 or more dynos: $ heroku ps:scale web=1 Use the heroku ps command to determine the state of your web dynos. 2010-10-06T21:51:37-07:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H14 desc="No web...
Step 1 – Install LAMP To start with Laravel, we first need to set up a running LAMP server. If you have already running LAMP stack skip this step else use followings commands to set up lamp on Ubuntu system. Install PHP 5.6 $ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties $ sudo add-apt-reposit...
Run the following bash script as sudo #!/bin/bash # get deps apt -y install build-essential libncurses5-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libsrtp0-dev uuid-dev libjansson-dev # download cd /usr/src wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk-14-current.tar.gz...

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