Tutorial by Examples: 2

Protractor Installation and Setup Step 1: Download and install NodeJS from here. Make sure you have latest version of node. Here, I am using node v7.8.0. You will need to have the Java Development Kit(JDK) installed to run selenium. Step 2: Open your terminal and type in the following command to i...
Component: <md2-select [(ngModel)]="item" (change)="change($event)" [disabled]="disabled"> <md2-option *ngFor="let i of items" [value]="i.value" [disabled]="i.disabled"> {{i.name}}</md2-option> </md2-select> ...
Tooltip is a directive, it allows the user to show hint text while the user mouse hover over an element. A tooltip would have the following markup. <span tooltip-direction="left" tooltip="On the Left!">Left</span> <button tooltip="some message" ...
Toast is a service, which show notifications in the view. Creates and show a simple toast noticiation. import {Md2Toast} from 'md2/toast/toast'; @Component({ selector: "..." }) export class ... { ... constructor(private toast: Md2Toast) { } toastMe() { this.toast.show(...
Datepicker allow the user to select date and time. <md2-datepicker [(ngModel)]="date"></md2-datepicker> see for more details here
Md2Collapse : Collapse is a directive, it's allow the user to toggle visiblity of the section. Examples A collapse would have the following markup. <div [collapse]="isCollapsed"> Lorum Ipsum Content </div> Md2Accordion : Accordion it's allow the user to toggle vis...
Install the dependencies: pip install jinja2 Install a framework: pip install flask Create the following structure ├── run.py └── templates Put a file template.html in the templates directory. The file can contain a jinja 2 variable named my_string. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=&qu...
Angular 2 wrapper library for Dropzone. npm install angular2-dropzone-wrapper --save-dev Load the module for your app-module import { DropzoneModule } from 'angular2-dropzone-wrapper'; import { DropzoneConfigInterface } from 'angular2-dropzone-wrapper'; const DROPZONE_CONFIG: DropzoneCon...
C++20 is the upcoming standard of C++, currently in development, based upon the C++17 standard. It's progress can be tracked on the official ISO cpp website. The following features are simply what has been accepted for the next release of the C++ standard, targeted for 2020. Language Extensions N...
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <p> <input id="cbGroup1" type="checkbox">Select all <input name="cbGroup1" type="checkbox" value="value1_1">Group1 v...
Function Age(ByVal YourAge As Integer) As String Select Case YourAge Case Is < 18 Return("You are younger than 18! You are teen!") Case 18 to 64 Return("You are older than 18 but younger than 65! You are adult!") Cas...
Circle.yml machine: python: # Python version to use - Selenium requires python 3.0 and above version: pypy-3.6.0 dependencies: pre: # Install pip packages - pip install selenium - pip install unittest test: override: # Bash command to run main....
Imagine that you need sort records by lowest value of either one of two columns. Some databases could use a non-aggregated MIN() or LEAST() function for this (... ORDER BY MIN(Date1, Date2)), but in standard SQL, you have to use a CASE expression. The CASE expression in the query below looks at th...
When generating new Angular 2 components in a .NET Core project, you may run into the following errors (as of version 0.8.3): Error locating module for declaration SilentError: No module files found OR No app module found. Please add your new Class to your component. Identica...
JavaScript: Vue.component('props-component', { template: '#props-component-template', // array of all props props: ['myprop', 'calcprop'] }); new Vue({ el: '#app' }); HTML: <div id="app"> <template id="props-component-template"> ...
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class MyPanel extends JPanel { @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ // clear the previous painting super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; g2.setColor(Co...
The following features added in SQL Server 2000 from its previous version: New data types were added (BIGINT, SQL_VARIANT, TABLE) Instead of and for Triggers were introduced as advancement to the DDL. Cascading referential integrity. XML support User defined functions and partition views. In...
#= Regardless of architecture we're using just the following !define REGSVR `$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe` #= define where RegSrv32 is !define DLL `$AppDirectory\App\MyLegalProgram\myLegit.dll` #= define the file to register ##= #= Command line usage is the same for both variants of RegSrv32 as foll...
To copy a texture to the device there are two steps necessary Allocate the memory on the device Copy the image to the device _mem = clCreateImage2D($context, $mem_flags, $image_format, $width, $height, $stride, $source, &err); The $mem_flags define how the memory is allocated. It can...
The problem statement is like if we are given two string str1 and str2 then how many minimum number of operations can be performed on the str1 that it gets converted to str2.The Operations can be: Insert Remove Replace For Example Input: str1 = "geek", str2 = "gesek" Ou...

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