Tutorial by Examples: account

The Android Account Authenticator system can be used to make the client authenticate with a remote server. Three pieces of information are required: A service, triggered by the android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator. Its onBind method should return a subclass of AbstractAccountAuthenticator. An a...
The following example is high level coverage of the key concepts and basic skeletal setup:- Collects credentials from the user (Usually from a login screen you've created) Authenticates the credentials with the server (stores custom authentication) Stores the credentials on the device Exte...
Sample uses Install-Package Google.Apis.AnalyticsReporting.v4 Public Shared Function getServiceInitializer() As BaseClientService Dim serviceAccountCredentialFilePath = "Path to Json service account key file" REM from Google Developers console Dim myKeyEMail ...
Create an account Go to https://bitbucket.org/ Click on Get Started on the top right corner Enter your email address, and click continue Enter your full name, password and verification code. Then click Continue An email will be sent to you to verify that you created your account After that...
This uses the Dropbox Objective-C SDK to get the user's account information from the Dropbox API. [[client.usersRoutes getCurrentAccount] response:^(DBUSERSFullAccount *account, DBNilObject *_, DBRequestError *error) { if (account) { NSLog(@"%@", account); } else if (er...
If necessary, change to your project directory cd MyAwesomeProject 1- Add accounts packages: meteor add accounts-base accounts-password react-meteor-data 2- Add the routes to login and signup pages in imports/startup/Routes.jsx The render() method will be as follows: render() { return ( ...

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