Tutorial by Examples: analysis

data(AirPassengers) class(AirPassengers) 1 "ts" In the spirit of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) a good first step is to look at a plot of your time-series data: plot(AirPassengers) # plot the raw data abline(reg=lm(AirPassengers~time(AirPassengers))) # fit a trend line For...
Just as the random forest algorithm may be applied to regression and classification tasks, it can also be extended to survival analysis. In the example below a survival model is fit and used for prediction, scoring, and performance analysis using the package randomForestSRC from CRAN. require(rand...
Create a new Console Application Add the NuGet package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Import the namespaces Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild, System.Linq and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax Write the following example code in the Main method: // Declaring a variable with the current project file ...
Principal Component Analysis finds sequences of linear combinations of the features. The first linear combination maximizes the variance of the features (subject to a unit constraint). Each of the following linear combinations maximizes the variance of the features in the subspace orthogonal to that...
Lets use the same code as above for this example. #include <iostream> void fail() { int *p1; int *p2(NULL); int *p3 = p1; if (p3) { std::cout << *p2 << std::endl; } } int main() { fail(); } First lets compile it g++ -g -o main m...
Quintile analysis is a common framework for evaluating the efficacy of security factors. What is a factor A factor is a method for scoring/ranking sets of securities. For a particular point in time and for a particular set of securities, a factor can be represented as a pandas series where the in...
.exr -1 gives you details about the last exception thrown. !analyze -v usually does a good job as well. For .NET, the command !pe of the SOS extension shows details about the .NET exception that was thrown.
This topic demonstrates how to use functions like withColumn, lead, lag, Level etc using Spark. Spark dataframe is an sql abstract layer on spark core functionalities. This enable user to write SQL on distributed data. Spark SQL supports hetrogenous file formats including JSON, XML, CSV , TSV etc. ...
AlchemyLanguage's Targeted Sentiment feature can search your content for target phrases and return sentiment information for each result. This example requires AlchemyLanguage service credentials and Node.js Use a command-line interface to install the Watson Developer Cloud Node.js SDK: $...
CodeClimate: Cloud Service CodeScan: Cloud Service Clayton.io: Cloud Service VSCode Apex PMD: VS Code extension for realtime static analysis as you code Apex PMD: command line core that runs most the above tools
We can have three cases to analyze an algorithm: Worst Case Average Case Best Case #include <stdio.h> // Linearly search x in arr[]. If x is present then return the index, // otherwise return -1 int search(int arr[], int n, int x) { int i; for (i=0; i<n; i...
In Coq, destruct more or less corresponds to a case analysis. It is similar to induction except that there's no induction hypothesis. Here is a (admittedly rather trivial) example of this tactic: Require Import Coq.Arith.Lt. Theorem atLeastZero : forall a, 0 <= a. Proof. intros. destr...
Since we have many different algorithms to choose from, when we want to sort an array, we need to know which one will do it's job. So we need some method of measuring algoritm's speed and reliability. That's where Asymptotic analysis kicks in. Asymptotic analysis is the process of describing the ef...
Static analysis is the technique in which on checks the code for patterns linked to known bugs. Using this technique is less time consuming than a code review, though, its checks are only limited to those programmed in the tool. Checks can include the incorrect semi-colon behind the if-statement (i...
To see you unit tests go to Test -> Windows -> Code Coverage Results (Figure 1) It will open the following window (Figure 2) The window is now empty Go to the Test menu -> Analyze Code Coverage (Figure 3) The tests will now be run as well (See the results in the T...

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