Tutorial by Topics: commit

Commits with Git provide accountability by attributing authors with changes to code. Git offers multiple features for the specificity and security of commits. This topic explains and demonstrates proper practices and procedures in committing with Git. git commit [flags] Parameter        ...
git bisect <subcommand> <options> git bisect start <bad> [<good>...] git bisect reset git bisect good git bisect bad
Git's reflog records the position of HEAD (the ref for the current state of the repository) every time that it is changed. Generally, every operation that might be destructive involves moving the HEAD pointer (since if anything is changed, including in the past, the tip commit's hash will change)...
Flushes ALL current locks, synching file I/O buffers. This is a non standard extension, available with some COBOL implementations that support ROLLBACK features.
Prepare by setting up your local development machine with the aws command line tool and the git command.

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