Tutorial by Topics: d

Installing Binaries for StackExchange.Redis are available on Nuget, and the source is available on Github. Common Tasks Profiling VersionRelease Date1.0.1872014-03-18
What is Dapper? Dapper is a micro-ORM for .Net that extends your IDbConnection, simplifying query setup, execution, and result-reading. How do I get it? github: https://github.com/StackExchange/dapper-dot-net NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Dapper Common Tasks Basic Queryin...
Type Handlers allow database types to be converted to .Net custom types.
The .NET Framework is a set of libraries and a runtime, originally designed by Microsoft. All .NET programs compile to a bytecode called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). The MSIL is run by the Common Language Runtime (CLR). Below you can find several examples of "Hello World" in ...
C# is a multi-paradigm, C-descendant programming language from Microsoft. C# is a managed language that compiles to CIL, intermediate bytecode which can be executed on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Versions 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 were standardized by ECMA (as ECMA-334), and standardization efforts for m...
public static ReturnType MyExtensionMethod(this TargetType target) public static ReturnType MyExtensionMethod(this TargetType target, TArg1 arg1, ...) ParameterDetailsthisThe first parameter of an extension method should always be preceded by the this keyword, followed by the identifier wi...
Constructors are methods in a class that are invoked when an instance of that class is created. Their main responsibility is to leave the new object in a useful and consistent state. Destructors/Finalizers are methods in a class that are invoked when an instance of that is destroyed. In C# they are...
Keywords are predefined, reserved identifiers with special meaning to the compiler. They cannot be used as identifiers in your program without the @ prefix. For example @if is a legal identifier but not the keyword if. C# has a predefined collection of "keywords" (or reserved words) ...
X?.Y; //null if X is null else X.Y X?.Y?.Z; //null if X is null or Y is null else X.Y.Z X?[index]; //null if X is null else X[index] X?.ValueMethod(); //null if X is null else the result of X.ValueMethod(); X?.VoidMethod(); //do nothing if X is null else call X.VoidMethod(); Note that w...
A lambda expression is a syntax for creating anonymous functions inline. More formally, from the C# Programming Guide: A lambda expression is an anonymous function that you can use to create delegates or expression tree types. By using lambda expressions, you can write local functions that can ...
A thread is a part of a program that can execute independently of other parts. It can perform tasks simultaneously with other threads. Multithreading is a feature that enables programs to perform concurrent processing so that more than one operation can be done at a time. For example, you can use...
The using keyword is both a directive (this topic) and a statement. For the using statement (i.e. to encapsulate the scope of an IDisposable object, ensuring that outside of that scope the object becomes cleanly disposed) please see Using Statement.

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