Tutorial by Topics: editor

[MenuItem(string itemName)] [MenuItem(string itemName, bool isValidateFunction)] [MenuItem(string itemName, bool isValidateFunction, int priority)] [ContextMenu(string name)] [ContextMenuItem(string name, string function)] [DrawGizmo(GizmoType gizmo)] [DrawGizmo(GizmoType gizmo, Type drawnGi...
CKEditor is a JavaScript based WYSIWYG editor created for use within web pages. It is open source and plugin based making it both customizable and extensible. The CKEditor website can be found in http://www.ckeditor.com and the source code of the library is available on github. The official docu...
This section provides an overview of what atom-editor is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within atom-editor, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for atom-editor is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
Gaining access to Outlook's Visual Basic Editor, inserting your first module and renaming that module. Expected prior knowledge: You are an Outlook user. With Outlook 2003, you can immediately select the Visual Basic Editor. With later versions, you must add the Developer tab before you can select...
The function allows user to load stylesheets for the TinyMCE editor add_editor_style( $stylesheet ) ParameterDetails$ stylesheet(array or string) (Optional) Stylesheet name or array thereof, relative to theme root. Defaults to 'editor-style.css'
When dealing with objects in an MVC app, if any object should be shown in multiple places with the same format, we'd need some kind of standardized layout. ASP.NET MVC has made this kind of standardization easy to do with the inclusion of display and editor templates. In short, display and editor te...

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