Tutorial by Topics: ngif

ParameterDetailspreda TensorFlow tensor of type boolfn1a callable function, with no argumentfn2a callable function, with no argumentname(optional) name for the operation pred cannot be just True or False, it needs to be a Tensor The function fn1 and fn2 should return the same number of outputs...
ParamDetailsObject(Object) The JSON objectReplacer(Function | Array<string | number> - optiotinal) filter Function | ArraySpace(Number | string - optional) Amount of white space in the JSON
*NgIf: It removes or recreates a part of DOM tree depending on an expression evaluation. It is a structural directive and structural directives alter the layout of the DOM by adding, replacing and removing its elements. <div *ngIf="false"> test </div> <!-- evaluates t...
Learning programming languages is useful not only for those who plan to tie their professional life to it. Firstly, it is a very cool and interesting hobby. Secondly, this hobby has a lot of very useful side effects. The best essay writing service experts say that learning to code can make life easi...

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