Tutorial by Topics: script

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What is Functional Programming ? Functional Programming or FP is a programming paradigm that is built upon two main concepts immutability, and statelessness.The goal behind FP is to make your code more readable, reusable, and portable. What is Functional JavaScript There has been a debate to ca...
session$sendCustomMessage(name,list of parameters) Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler(name, JS function that accepts list of parameters) Shiny.onInputChange(name,value)
Note about XML syntax: As the record is made inside of XML file, you can not leave any tag unclosed as you could in a plain HTML, like: <link rel='stylesheet' href="..." >, Close the link tag instead, like: <link rel='stylesheet' href="..." /> Possible ...
ScriptableObjects with AssetBundles Pay attention when adding prefabs to AssetBundles if they contain references to ScriptableObjects. Since ScriptableObjects are essentially assets, Unity creates duplicates of them before adding them to AssetBundles, which may result in undesired behaviour dur...
$scope : ng.IScope - this is way in typescript to define type for a particular variable.
Use /bin/bash as the bash interpreter: #!/bin/bash Search the bash interpreter in the PATH environment variable with envexecutable: #!/usr/bin/env bash A common mistake is to try to execute Windows end-line formatted \r\n script files on UNIX/Linux systems, in this case the used ...
You must add Microsoft Scripting Runtime to the VBA project through the VBE's Tools → References command in order to implement early binding of the Scripting Dictionary object. This library reference is carried with the project; it does not have to be re-referenced when the VBA project is distrib...
<script type="text/javascript"> //some code </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="URL"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="URL" async>//async code</script> AttributeDetailssrcSpecifies t...
keybindings:: ::abbreviation:: Return KeybindingsDetails^Ctrl key!Alt key+Shift key#Windows key{enter}send enter key{tab}send tab key*wildcard, any key can be pressed down~key's native function will not be blocked<symbolspecifies left key (<+ is left shift)>symbolspecifies right k...
gnuplot -c scriptfile ARG1 ARG2 ... Basic usage can be displayed by typing gnuplot -h $ gnuplot -h Usage: gnuplot [OPTION] ... [FILE] -V, --version -h, --help -p --persist -d --default-settings -c scriptfile ARG1 ARG2 ... -e "command1; command2; ..." gnupl...
This section provides an overview of what coffeescript is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within coffeescript, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for coffeescript is new, you may need to create initial versions of thos...
Subscriptions are means to listen to inputs. Incoming ports, keyboard or mouse events, WebSocket messages, geolocation and page visibility changes, all can serve as inputs.

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