Tutorial by Topics: swing

Swing has been superseded by JavaFX. Oracle generally recommends developing new applications with JavaFX. Still: Swing will be supported in Java for the foreseeable future. JavaFX also integrates well with Swing, to allow transitioning applications smoothly. It is strongly recommended to have mos...
Quitting the application on window close It's easy to forget to quit the application when the window is closed. Remember to add the following line. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Quit the application when the JFrame is closed
public abstract class SwingWorker<T,V> T - the result type returned by this SwingWorker's doInBackground and get methods. V - the type used for carrying out intermediate results by this SwingWorker's publish and process methods. T doInBackground() - The abstract fu...

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