Tutorial by Topics: vim

Vim (or "Vi IMproved") is a console-based multi-mode (modal) text editor. It is widely used and available by default on all Unix, Linux, and Apple OS X systems. Vim has a large active community and a wide user base. The editor supports all popular programming languages, and many plugins ...
:set [no](option|shortcut) :set (option|shortcut)=value :set (option|shortcut)(?|&) do not use : in the vimrc file See vimcast 1 video See vimcast 1 transcript
Updating Vim key mappings allows you to solve two kinds of problems: Re-assigning key commands to letters that are more memorable or accessible, and creating key commands for functions which have none. Here you will learn about the various ways to [re]map key commands, and the context to which they...
A plugin is a script or set of scripts that changes Vim's default behavior, either by adding non-existing features or by extending existing features. Often added "non-existing features" include: commenting, indentation detection, autocompletion, fuzzy-matching, support for a spe...
IdeaVim is a plugin for IDEA products that aims in providing Vim functionality in editor views
FunctionalityRegistersdefault register""history registers"[1-9]yank register"0named registers"[a-z], "[A-Z] same as "[a-z] but appendsrecall current search pattern"/small deletes (diw, cit, ...)"-expression registers for simple math"=black hole regi...
ParameterDetails:Enter command-line modewWriteqQuitaAll!Override Command-line mode is entered through normal mode. You will know you are in command-line mode when there is a : in the bottom left corner of your terminal window. Normal mode is the default mode of vi/vim and can be switched to by p...
The commands in a Vimscript file are executed in command mode by default. Therefore all non-command mode directives should be prefixed.
:[range]py[thon] {statement}
This Topic is about Source Code mirrors, Books, Vim-Wikis. It is NOT about Blog entries, Wikipedia, Tutorials. The resources should not be opinion based.
set mouse=a set wrap nmap j gj nmap k gk
Vim's built-in manual is the authoritative source of information and documentation on every Vim feature, including configurations, built-in functions, and even Vimscript. While not the most beginner-friendly interface, if you know how to look through it, you can find what you need. Start searching ...
Spending most of the time on terminal can be a big deal for eyes. Wisely choosing color scheme can benefit your eyes in many ways. Recently I ran into Solarized ColorScheme for Vim. Adding this small plugin can make a big difference on text appearance on terminal. Many thanks to Ethan Schoonover for...

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