Tutorial by Topics: xml

Do not use the XmlSerializer to parse HTML. For this, special libraries are available like the HTML Agility Pack
Not all elements of the XML input will end up as elements of the parsed tree. Currently, this module skips over any XML comments, processing instructions, and document type declarations in the input. Nevertheless, trees built using this module’s API rather than parsing from XML text can have comm...
There are also several other FOR XML modes: FOR XML RAW - Creates one <row> element per row. FOR XML AUTO - Attempts to heuristically autogenerate a hierarchy. FOR XML EXPLICIT - Provides more control over the shape of the XML, but is more cumbersome than FOR XML PATH.
Some times you need to create extended text documentation from you xml comments. Unfortunatly there is no standard way for it. But there are some separate projects that you can use for this case: Sandcastle Docu NDoc DocFX
XML is a markup language used to store hierarchical data in text files. It is also known as semi-structured data, like JSON. XML is machine-readable, yet can also be read and produced by people. XML is made up of elements, sometimes casually referred to as a tag soup, which can themselves contain...
xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"       // namespace declaration


While many uses of the encoding/xml package include marshaling and unmarshaling to a Go struct, it's worth noting that this is not a direct mapping. The package documentation states: Mapping between XML elements and data structures is inherently flawed: an XML element is an order-dependent col...
XML Parsing is the interpretation of XML documents in order to manipulate their content using sensible constructs, be they "nodes", "attributes", "documents", "namespaces", or events related to these constructs. Java has a native API for XML document handli...
XPath expressions are used to navigate and select one or more nodes within an XML tree document, such as selecting a certain element or attribute node. See this W3C recommendation for a reference on this language.

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