This guide assumes you have already used BuildTools and have run the Spigot server at least once. It also assumes that you have the Spigot-API jar file which we will use.
1) Start Eclipse; you may change the workspace location if desired.
2) Create a new Project
3) Add a new package
Right click on src and click on New > Package. You may use any namespace convention you wish, just be consistent. (e.g:
4) Create a new class
Right-click on the newly created package and select New > Class.
Give it any name; often the same name as the project. Inside the editor, the newly created Java class will open. The code should look somewhat like this:
package yourpackage;
public class MyFirstPlugin {
5) Modify class declaration
Your class must extend from JavaPlugin. Eclipse will produce an error as it does not know what JavaPlugin is. If you have successfully imported the Spigot-API, you will be able to import JavaPlugin by adding the import statement. You do not need to manually type that line, simply click the error and select the appropriate action. Your code should now look like:
package yourpackage;
public class MyFirstPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
6) Implement the necessary methods
The JavaPlugin class has some abstract methods which must be implemented by your plugin. Hence, add the onEnable and onDisable functions which will be triggered when the plugin is disabled or enabled in the console. You can leave these blank for now. You are also required to write @Override
above the method.
Note: You do not need to add a getLogger when your plugin is enabled or disabled, Bukkit already does that for you.
package com.meeku.tutorialPlugin;
public class MyFirstPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
// Fired when plugin is enabled
public void onEnable() {
// Fired when plugin is disabled
public void onDisable() {
7) Create plugin.yml file
Right click the project and create a file New > File. Name it plugin.yml. Paste in the following:
name: MyFirstPlugin
main: yourpackage.MyFirstPlugin
version: 1.0
8) Export
Since there are no errors, we can export this project as a JAR. Right-click on the project name, select Export. In the consequential dialogue box, select JAR file. Click Next. You can uncheck the classpath and project include and change the export destination to your plugins folder
9) Running
Start the server and you should see that your plugin was enabled.