The root process scatters the contents in sendbuf
to all processes (including itself) using the MPI_Scatter
int rank;
int size;
int sendcount = 1;
int recvcount = sendcount;
int sendbuf[3];
int recvbuf;
int root = 0;
MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
if (size != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "Number of processes must be 3\n");
exit (0);
MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
if (rank == 0)
sendbuf[0] = 3;
sendbuf[1] = 5;
sendbuf[2] = 7;
MPI_Scatter (sendbuf, sendcount, MPI_INT, &recvbuf, recvcount, MPI_INT, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf ("rank: %i, value: %i\n", rank, recvbuf);
/* Output:
* rank: 0, value: 3
* rank: 1, value: 5
* rank: 2, value: 7