Protractor can selectively run groups of tests using fdescribe() instead of describe().
fdescribe('first group',()=>{
it('only this test will run',()=>{
//code that will run
describe('second group',()=>{
it('this code will not run',()=>{
//code that won't run
Protractor can selectively run tests within groups using fit() instead of it().
describe('first group',()=>{
fit('only this test will run',()=>{
//code that will run
it('this code will not run',()=>{
//code that won't run
If there is no fit() within an fdescribe(), then every it() will run. However, a fit() will block it() calls within the same describe() or fdescribe().
fdescribe('first group',()=>{
fit('only this test will run',()=>{
//code that will run
it('this code will not run',()=>{
//code that won't run
Even if a fit() is in a describe() instead of an fdescribe(), it will run. Also, any it() within an fdescribe() that does not contain a fit() will run.
fdescribe('first group',()=>{
it('this test will run',()=>{
//code that will run
it('this test will also run',()=>{
//code that will also run
describe('second group',()=>{
it('this code will not run',()=>{
//code that won't run
fit('this code will run',(){
//code that will run