Surface | The Surface to draw the shape on. |
color | A 3 or 4 integer sequence representing red, green and blue (and alpha), each value ranging between 0-255. |
Rect | A rectangular area where the shape will be drawn to. |
width | The width of the lines. The shape will be filled if width=0. |
pointlist | A list of an arbitrary amount of points/vertices, in pixels (x, y). |
pos | The position of the center of the circle, in pixels (x, y). |
radius | The circles radius in pixels. |
closed | If true, a line between last and first point will be drawn, closing the shape. |
blend=1 | If true, the shades will be blended with existing pixel shades instead of overwriting them. |
start_angle | The initial angle of the arc, in radians. |
stop_angle | The final angle of the arc, in radians. |
start_pos | The starting position of the line, in pixels. |
end_pos | The end position of the line, in pixels |