SELECT Name FROM User WHERE IsActive = true
This will return the name of all active Users.
SELECT Name, Phone FROM Contact WHERE CreatedDate >= 2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
This will return Contacts created on or after January 1st, 2016.
SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 100
This will return the first 100 Accounts from an unordered list.
SELECT Id, Name, Phone FROM Lead WHERE Phone LIKE '(%) %-%'
This will return Leads with a phone number matching the specified format. "%" acts as a wild card character.
Using LIKE '% %'
also enables a developer to replicate a CONTAINS( )
SELECT Email FROM Lead WHERE LeadSource LIKE '%Google%'
Will return Leads with a lead source that contains Google i.e. 'Google AdWords' & 'Google Natural Search'.