Clearing the Content of element(Generally Text Box)
Entering data to element (Generally Text Box)
Storing the value of the element.
string valueinTextBox = interactionWebElement.GetAttribute("value");
Storing Text of element.
string textOfElement = interactionWebElement.Text;
Clicking on an Element
Submitting a Form
Identifing the visibility of an element on the page
bool isDisplayed=interactionWebElement.Displayed;
Identifing the state of an element on the page
bool isEnabled = interactionWebElement.Enabled;
bool isSelected=interactionWebElement.Selected;
Locating child element of interactionWebElement
IWebElement childElement = interactionWebElement.FindElement(By.Id("childElementId"));
Locating child elements of interactionWebElement
Ilist<IWebElement> childElements = interactionWebElement.FindElements(By.TagName("childElementsTagName"));