This widget is used to display items with hierarchy. For instance, windows explorer can be reproduced in this way. Some nice tables can be also done using treeview
You can define how many columns, their width and minimum width when the user tries to stretch it. By defining stretch=tk.NO
, the user cannot modify the width of the column.
tree.column("#0", width=270, minwidth=270, stretch=tk.NO)
tree.column("one", width=150, minwidth=150, stretch=tk.NO)
tree.column("two", width=400, minwidth=200)
tree.column("three", width=80, minwidth=50, stretch=tk.NO)
tree.heading("one", text="Date modified",anchor=tk.W)
tree.heading("two", text="Type",anchor=tk.W)
tree.heading("three", text="Size",anchor=tk.W)
# Level 1
folder1=tree.insert("", 1, "", text="Folder 1", values=("23-Jun-17 11:05","File folder",""))
tree.insert("", 2, "", text="text_file.txt", values=("23-Jun-17 11:25","TXT file","1 KB"))
# Level 2
tree.insert(folder1, "end", "", text="photo1.png", values=("23-Jun-17 11:28","PNG file","2.6 KB"))
tree.insert(folder1, "end", "", text="photo2.png", values=("23-Jun-17 11:29","PNG file","3.2 KB"))
tree.insert(folder1, "end", "", text="photo3.png", values=("23-Jun-17 11:30","PNG file","3.1 KB"))
On Windows, the following screenshot can be obtained from this example.