Tutorial by Topics

NHibernate 3.0 introduced the QueryOver API, which combines the use of extension methods and lambda expressions to provide a statically typesafe wrapper around the ICriteria API. The ICriteria API is NHibernate's implementation of the Query Object pattern.
Google Visualization provides a flexible javascript-based framework for creating a wide variety of interactive charts that can be embedded on webpages. Those chart types include: Geo Charts Scatter Charts Column Charts Bar Charts Histograms Combo Charts Area Charts Stepped Area Charts L...
Logging these queries is slow, even slower than Hibernate usually is. It also uses up a massive amount of log space. Do not use logging in scenarios where performance is required. Use this only when testing the queries that Hibernate actually generates.
@Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.POSTING) public void onEvent(EventClass event) { } Thread ModeDescriptionThreadMode.POSTINGWill be called on the same thread that the event was posted on. This is the default mode.ThreadMode.MAINWill be called on the main UI thread.ThreadMode.BACKGROUNDW...
Python is a language meant to be clear and readable without any ambiguities and unexpected behaviors. Unfortunately, these goals are not achievable in all cases, and that is why Python does have a few corner cases where it might do something different than what you were expecting. This section will...
ParametersDetailsrepositoriesTells Composer where it can download the required packages.type: vcsTells Composer how to treat the repository.url: http://...Tells Composer where is the repository. Use the type: "vcs" syntax to use private repositories. To manage access to the private rep...
Official docs explains playbook conditionals. http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_conditionals.html Ansible (github) https://github.com/marxwang/ansible-learn-resources
For more information on database queries, take a look at the Selecting data using JDatabase
If you look at PDF creation, you'll find two different approaches: Graphical designers use desktop applications such as Adobe Acrobat or Adobe InDesign to create a document in a manual or semimanual process. In another context, PDF documents are created programmatically, using an API to produc...
This article discusses getters and setters; the standard way to provide access to data in Java classes.
This section provides an overview of what devise is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within devise, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for devise is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
The class of a data-object determines which functions will process its contents. The class-attribute is a character vector, and objects can have zero, one or more classes. If there is no class-attribute, there will still be an implicit class determined by an object's mode. The class can be inspected...
A function in the *apply family is an abstraction of a for loop. Compared with the for loops *apply functions have the following advantages: Require less code to write. Doesn't have an iteration counter. Doesn't use temporary variables to store intermediate results. However for loops are m...
ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(func) ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(seed, func) ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(seed, updateAccumulatorFunc, combineAccumulatorsFunc, resultSelector) ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(seedFactory, updateAccumulatorFunc, combineAccumulatorsFunc, resultSelector) ParallelEnume...

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