Tutorial by Topics

The Actions class gives us a way of emulating precisely how a user would interact with a web page/elements. Using an instance of this class you can describe a series of actions, such as clicking, double-clicking, dragging, pressing keys, etc. Once these actions are described, in order to carry the ...
FormatInterpreted as%%literal percent sign (%)%Aweekday name (e.g. Sunday)%aweekday name in short fomat (e.g. Sun)%Bfull month name (e.g. January)%bmonth name (e.g. Jan)%Hhour (00..23)%Ihour (01..12)%jday of year (001..366)%khour ( 0..23)%lhour ( 1..12)%Mminute (00..59)%mmonth (01..12)%pDefine AM o...
unsigned long millis() unsigned long micros() void delay(unsigned long milliseconds) void delayMicroseconds(unsigned long microseconds) See the elapsedMillis header for constructors and operators of that class. In short: elapsedMillis elapsedMillisObject; creates an object...
A significant role in automating web sites and web applications involves identifying items on the screen and interacting with them. Items are found in Selenium through the use of locators and the By class. These locators and interactions are put inside Page Objects as a best practice to avoid duplic...
Resources to look at: Xamarin Styles Using custom fonts on iOS and Android with Xamarin.Forms Custom Renderers Resource Dictionaries Attached Properties
The main entry point for Apache's VirtualHost is at Apache Virtual Host documentation. From there, you have general documentation about virtual host configuration, and reference documentation about VirtualHost and related directives as well.
Lack of an AUTO_INCREMENT id for this table -- The PK given is the 'natural' PK; there is no good reason for a surrogate. MEDIUMINT -- This is a reminder that all INTs should be made as small as is safe (smaller ⇒ faster). Of course the declaration here must match the definition in the tabl...
This section provides an overview of what plesk is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within plesk, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for plesk is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
This section provides an overview of what websphere is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within websphere, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for websphere is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related...
namespaces: using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using MongoDB.Bson; using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes; using MongoDB.Driver; using IAggregateFluentExtensions = MongoDB.Driver.IAggregateFluentExtensions; using IMongoCollectionExtensions = MongoDB.Driver.IMongoC...
trigger <name> on <object-api-name> (<events>) { // your trigger logic } parameterdescriptionnameName of the triggerobject-api-nameObject on which the trigger will fire. Can be any standard or custom object.eventsEvents which will fire the trigger. Are a combination of eith...
Rust's compiler has several handy features to make documenting your project quick and easy. You can use compiler lints to enforce documentation for each function, and have tests built in to your examples. /// Outer documentation comment (applies to the item below) //! Inner documentati...
"Arrays" in Python are not the arrays in conventional programming languages like C and Java, but closer to lists. A list can be a collection of either homogeneous or heterogeneous elements, and may contain ints, strings or other lists. ParameterDetailsbRepresents signed integer of size 1 ...

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