Tutorial by Topics

An Enumerator is an object that implements iteration in a controlled fashion. Instead of looping until some condition is satisfied, the object enumerates values as needed. Execution of the loop is paused until the next value is requested by the owner of the object. Enumerators make infinite stream...
The System.Management.Automation namespace is the root namespace for Windows PowerShell. System.Management.Automation is an extension library from Microsoft and it can be added to Visual Studio projects via NuGet package manager or package manager console. PM> Install-Package Syste...
HTML email is the use of a subset of HTML and CSS to format an email message like a web page using colors, graphics, table columns and links. Useful Links: Things I've Learned About Building & Coding HTML Email Templates Coding Your Emails Email Design Guides MailChimp Resources Prof...
Classic ASP utilises a technology called ActiveX Data Objects when requiring access to external data sources. The ADODB Library provides three main objects for this purpose, ADODB.Connection, ADODB.Command and the ADODB.Recordset.
NVDA is a free screen reader for Windows, which you can use for testing.
This section provides an overview of what phoenix-framework is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within phoenix-framework, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for phoenix-framework is new, you may need to create initial v...
A media service account is a Azure based account which gives you access to cloud based media services in Azure. Stores metadata of the media files you create, instead saving the actual media content. To work with media service account, you must have an associated storage account. While creating...
Tensorflow distinguishes between saving/restoring the current values of all the variables in a graph and saving/restoring the actual graph structure. To restore the graph, you are free to use either Tensorflow's functions or just call your piece of code again, that built the graph in the first place...
The built-in VCL contains procedures that are included and run last by Varnish. They can complement user defined VCL by providing logic that is appropriate for the majority of the sites. For example, skips cache for POST requests, and/or in presence of cookie or authorization headers. If some of t...
db.collection.insertOne(document, options(w, wtimeout, j, serializeFuntions, forceServerObjectId, bypassDocumentValidation), callback) db.collection.insertMany([documents], options(w, wtimeout, j, serializeFuntions, forceServerObjectId, bypassDocumentValidation), callback) db.collection.find(que...
Arrow functions are a concise way of writing anonymous, lexically scoped functions in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). x => y // Implicit return x => { return y } // Explicit return (x, y, z) => { ... } // Multiple arguments async () => { ... } // Async...
Informats and formats are used to tell SAS how to read and write the data respectively. Informats are commonly used in a datastep when reading data from an external file. Informats are rarely used in PROCs. Formats are commonly used in both data steps and PROCs. SAS Formats convert either nume...

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