Tutorial by Topics

As a side note, a few advantages of the Monostate pattern over the Singleton: There is no 'instance` method to be able to access an instance of the class. A Singleton does not conform to the Java beans notation, but a Monostate does. Lifetime of instances can be controlled. Users of the Mono...
It became much easier to create custom controls in Interface Builder with the introduction of the @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable directives in Swift. Developers can now build rich, complex, fully animated controls using just a few extra lines of code. I'm surprised by how many developers have ye...
Java Client API Java Client Source Code
make sure you properly add javascript file to your module do not forget to add 'web' as dependency in __openerp__.py: 'depends': ['web',....]
{ -code- } stopped { -error- }{ -no-error- } ifelse % error catching frame $error /errorname get % stackunderflow typecheck rangecheck etc $error /newerror get % bool. put false to deactivate error $error /ostack get % copy of operand stack at point of error errordict /stackoverf...
unittest { ... } - a block that is only run in "unittesting" mode assert(<expression that evaluates to a boolean>, <optional error message>)
@ExceptionHandler(ExceptionToBeHandled.class) @ExceptionHandler({ExceptionToBeHandled.class, AnotherExceptionToBeHandled.class})
Spring Boot makes it easy to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. It favors convention over configuration. Spring Data JPA, part of the larger Spring Data family, makes it easy to implement JPA based repositories. It makes it easier to build ...

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