Tutorial by Topics

Customising Core Functionality with Themes Themes have layout files which, amongst other things, can be used to change which blocks appear on the page. The block template can also be changed and different methods called. Store-level designs Magento’s hierarchical structured themes means that a ...
There are six different product types built-in to Magento. Simple A single stock unit Configurable First of the composite products. Allow customers to configure their product and add a single simple product to basket. Grouped The second composite product, a grouped product relate...
NSTextAttachment *attachmentName = [[NSTextAttachment alloc] init]; NSTextAttachment objects are used by the NSAttributedString class cluster as the values for attachment attributes. The objects you create with this class are referred to as text attachment objects, or when no confusion will...
MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. Any application that separates it’s data access, business logicand user interface is called MVC. There can be two types of MVC: convention-based and configuration-based. Example, cakePHP is convention-based, i.e. you just need to follow the instructions of the...
The this pointer is a keyword for C++ therfore there is no library needed to implement this. And do not forget this is a pointer! So you cannot do: this.someMember(); As you access member functions or member variables from pointers using the arrow symbol -> : this->someMember(); ...
This section provides an overview of what python-sphinx is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within python-sphinx, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for python-sphinx is new, you may need to create initial versions of t...
A function defined with the inline specifier is an inline function. An inline function can be multiply defined without violating the One Definition Rule, and can therefore be defined in a header with external linkage. Declaring a function inline hints to the compiler that the function should be inli...
This section provides an overview of what acumatica is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within acumatica, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for acumatica is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related...
In Bosun notifications are used for both new alert incidents and when an alert is acked/closed/etc. If you don't want the other events to trigger a notification add runOnActions = false to the notification definition. See Notification Overview for more examples.
This only works with projects using Swift 3+
Generally speaking, it is best not to use T-SQL Reserved Words as table names, column names, programming object names, alias etc. So the method to escape these keywords should only be applied if you are inheriting a database design that cannot be changed. For reserved words, usage of the square b...
Copy Constructor MyClass( const MyClass& other ); MyClass( MyClass& other ); MyClass( volatile const MyClass& other ); MyClass( volatile MyClass& other ); Assignment Constructor MyClass& operator=( const MyClass& rhs ); MyClass& operator=( MyClass& rhs ); My...
If you use an IDE and/or build system, it is much easier to set up this kind of project. You create a main application module, then API module, then create a plugin module and make it dependent on the API module or both. Next, you configure where the project artifacts are to be put - in our case t...

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