Tutorial by Topics

OptionParser can be used for parsing command line options from ARGV.
Taken from IdentityServer4 Official Docs IdentityServer4 is an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core. It enables the following features in your applications: Authentication as a Service Centralized login logic and workflow for all of your applications (web, native, mobil...
Harp is a static web server with built-in preprocessing. Harp can compile your project down to static assets, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with no configuration necessary. You may also use Harp as a Node library for compiling or running as a server. Harp includes the common, useful preprocessors by de...
The language class in CodeIgniter provides an easy way to support multiple languages for internationalization. To some extent, we can use different language files to display text in many different languages.
One of the features introduced in Java 9 is the multi-release Jar (MRJAR) which allows bundling code targeting multiple Java releases within the same Jar file. The feature is specified in JEP 238.
:vglobal or :v is the opposite of :global or :g that operates on lines not matching the specified pattern (inverse).
Prior to Java 9, access to the thread stack frames was limited to an internal class sun.reflect.Reflection. Specifically the method sun.reflect.Reflection::getCallerClass. Some libraries relies on this method which is deprecated. An alternative standard API is now provided in JDK 9 via the java.lan...
We can secure the data in Hadoop using different methods. Each method has its own advantages. We can also combine more than one method for better result. This topic covers the advantages & limitations of each method 1. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol: a. Advantage: Authentic...
Many people like working with promises and/or async/await syntax, but when writing a module it would be useful to some programmers to support classic callback style methods as well. Rather than creating two modules, or two sets of functions, or having the programmer promisify your module, your modul...
This page contains information related to default Drupal 7 installation folder strucutre and related information. includes - This folder contains include files shipped with Drupal 7. These inc files are majorly the Drupal 7 APIs. For example - batch.inc, cache.inc, ajax.inc etc. This folde...
SharePoint Hosted App Reference required from site: http://www.letsharepoint.com/what-is-user-information-list-in-sharepoint-2013/
Flexible, fast and powerful supervisor library for Erlang processes. Warnings Do not use 'count'=>infinity and element restart in your plan. like: Childspec = #{id => foo ,start => {bar, baz, [arg1, arg2]} ,plan => [restart] ,count...
Using JSON.net JsonConverter class.

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