Tutorial by Topics

ParametersDetailsDegree of Parallelism (DOP)It is the number of parallel connection/processes which you want your query to open up. It is usually 2, 4, 8, 16 so on.Table NameThe name of the table on which parallel hint will be applied.
a[start:end] # items start through end-1 a[start:] # items start through the rest of the array a[:end] # items from the beginning through end-1 a[start:end:step] # start through not past end, by step a[:] # a copy of the whole array source lst[::-1] gives you a revers...
lock (obj) {} Using the lock statement you can control different threads' access to code within the code block. It is commonly used to prevent race conditions, for example multiple threads reading and removing items from a collection. As locking forces threads to wait for other threads to ...
ActionCable was available for Rails 4.x, and was bundled into Rails 5. It allows easy use of websockets for realtime communication between server and client.
Approach with sealed trait and case objects is preferred because Scala enumeration has a few problems: Enumerations have the same type after erasure. Compiler doesn't complain about “Match is not exhaustive", if case is missed it will fail in runtime scala.MatchError: def isWeekendWith...
Snackbar make (View view, CharSequence text, int duration) Snackbar make (View view, int resId, int duration) ParameterDescriptionviewView: The view to find a parent from.textCharSequence: The text to show. Can be formatted text.resIdint: The resource id of the string resource to use. Can ...
Visual Basic 14 is the version of Visual Basic that was shipped as part of Visual Studio 2015. This version was rewritten from scratch in about 1.3 million lines of VB. Many features were added to remove common irritations and to make common coding patterns cleaner. The version number of Visual Ba...
NSDate() // NSDate object init to the current date and time NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 // Current date and time in number of seconds from 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. NSDate().compare(other: NSDate) // Returns a comparison of current date to another date returns a NSComparisonResult ...
Set - The operator used to set a reference to an object, such as a Range For Each - The operator used to loop through every item in a collection Note that the variable names r, cell and others can be named however you like but should be named appropriately so the code is easier to underst...
The BigInteger class is used for mathematical operations involving large integers with magnitudes too large for primitive data types. For example 100-factorial is 158 digits - much larger than a long can represent. BigInteger provides analogues to all of Java's primitive integer operators, and all r...
You can create package.json with npm init which will ask you about basic facts about your projects, including license identifier.
AR is perfect when you need to delete, update or create one or more records sequentially. Its support of dirty attributes (saving only what was really changed) results in optimized UPDATE statements which lifts the load from database significantly and reduces chances for various conflicts connecte...

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