Tutorial by Topics: applescript

AppleScript is a language that predates the Mac as we know it today, originating in 1993. While other scripting languages have more fully featured libraries and more robust syntax, the power of AppleScript is for automating Mac applications. Any Mac application can include a scripting dictionary,...
display dialog text [default answer text] [hidden answer boolean] [buttons list of text] [default button text/integer] [cancel button text/integer] [with title text] [with icon text/integer/stop/‌note/‌caution/file] [giving up after integer] display alert text [message text] [as critical/informat...
AppleScript is able to retrieve the URL of the current tab of a browser.
This topic is about if and else statements.
Applescript is a powerful scripting language that can be used directly from the Terminal command line to accomplish a multitude of tasks. All examples listed in this section are meant to be used from the Terminal application.

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