Tutorial by Topics: between

In R, tabular data is stored in data frames. This topic covers the various ways of transforming a single table. Helpful packages Reshaping, stacking and splitting with data.table Reshape using tidyr splitstackshape
(yield -- Allows you to export items from a component (hash -- Allows you to export a hash or object, since this is required to call child components within the parent's block. The requirement is that there is a . for the component to be created (component -- Creates the child component which c...
It is possible to put a Python package in a ZIP file, and use it that way if you add these lines to the beginning of your script: import sys sys.path.append("package.zip")
It's easy to see types like a table in an SQL database, where the index is the SQL database. However, that is not a good way to approach types. All About Types In fact, types are literally just a metadata field added to each document by Elasticsearch: _type. The examples above created two type...
Relations Between Entities Basics A foreign key can be one or more columns that reference a unique key, usually the primary key, in another table. A foreign key and the primary parent key it references must have the same number and type of fields. Foreign keys represents relationships from a ...
There are a total of 3 cases of communication between React components: Case 1: Parent to Child communication Case 2: Child to Parent communication Case 3: Not-related components (any component to any component) communication
Ajax uses the HTTP Protocol and can send requests using POST/GET methods from Client to Server. WebSocket is itself a protocol to communicate between Client and Server, distinct from HTTP. In Ajax when you send a request , server sends response for that request and connection ends. Using WebSocke...
Batch and bash are quite different. Batch flags are indicated with a /, while bash flags use a -. Capitalization matters in bash, but (almost) not at all in batch. Batch variable names can contain spaces, bash variable names can not. Ultimately, both are ways of manipulating and interacting wit...
Cryptography is used for security purposes. There are not so many examples of Encryption/Decryption in Python using IDEA encryption MODE CTR. Aim of this documentation : Extend and implement of the RSA Digital Signature scheme in station-to-station communication. Using Hashing for integrity of mess...
We may use QML to build hybrid applications, since it's much more easier than C++. So we should know how they communicate with each other.
grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep, pgrep - are commands in Unix-like operating systems that print lines matching a pattern. The grep searches the named input FILEs for lines containing a match to the given PATTERN. By default, it prints the matching lines. In addition, the variant programs egrep, fgr...
MessageBox is a simple concept for decoupling entities. For example entity A can place a message that entity B can read whenever suitable. A view controller would like to talk to another view controller, but you don't want to create a strong or weak relationship.

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