Tutorial by Topics: bst

localStorage.setItem(name, value); localStorage.getItem(name); localStorage.name = value; localStorage.name; localStorage.clear() localStorage.removeItem(name); ParameterDescriptionnameThe key/name of the itemvalueThe value of the item The Web Storage API is sp...
Process substitution is a form of redirection where the input or output of a process (some sequence of commands) appear as a temporary file.
This section provides an overview of what webstorm is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within webstorm, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for webstorm is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related to...
s/<pattern>/<pattern>/optional-flags <pattern> is a Regex FlagMeaning&Keep the flags from the previous substitute.cPrompt to confirm each substitution.eDo not report errors.gReplace all occurrences in the line.iCase-insensitive matching.ICase-sensitive matching.nReport...
When you need to check for the presence or position of a substring within a string, VBA offers the InStr and InStrRev functions that return the character position of the substring in the string, if it is present.
VBA has built-in functions for extracting specific parts of strings, including: Left/Left$ Right/Right$ Mid/Mid$ Trim/Trim$ To avoid implicit type conversion onverhead (and therefore for better performance), use the $-suffixed version of the function when a string variable is passed to th...
Single Abstract Methods are types, introduced in Java 8, that have exactly one abstract member.
abstract identifier(underyling type) { ... } abstract identifier(underlying type) from typeA from typeB ... to typeA to typeB { ... } An abstract type is a compile-time type which resolves to the underlying type at run-time. This means that thee abstract type does not exist in the source c...
sub and gsub are used to edit strings using patterns. See Pattern Matching and Replacement for more on related functions and Regular Expressions for how to build a pattern.
InlineDescription$numberSubstitutes the substring matched by group number.${name}Substitutes the substring matched by a named group name.$$Escaped '$' character in the result (replacement) string.$& ($0)Replaces with the whole matched string.$+ ($&)Substitutes the matched text to the last...

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