Tutorial by Topics: co

Scope is the context in which variables live and can be accessed by other code in the same scope. Because JavaScript can largely be used as a functional programming language, knowing the scope of variables and functions is important as it helps to prevent bugs and unexpected behavior at runtime. ...
Use context processors to add variables that are accessible anywhere in your templates. Specify a function, or functions that return dicts of the variables you want, then add those functions to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS.
The built-in collections package provides several specialized, flexible collection types that are both high-performance and provide alternatives to the general collection types of dict, list, tuple and set. The module also defines abstract base classes describing different types of collection functi...
An HTTP cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing. bool setcookie( string $name [, string $value = "" [, int $expire = 0 [, string $path = "" [, string $domain = "" [,...
RecyclerView addItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration decoration) RecyclerView addItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration decoration, int index) ParameterDetailsdecorationthe item decoration to add to the RecyclerViewindexthe index in the list of decorations for this RecyclerView. T...
This is a simple hello world function in Common Lisp. Examples will print the text Hello, World! (without quotation marks; followed by a newline) to the standard output. Common Lisp is a programming language that is largely used interactively using an interface known as a REPL. The REPL (Read Eva...
Due to the GIL (Global interpreter lock) only one instance of the python interpreter executes in a single process. So in general, using multi-threading only improves IO bound computations, not CPU-bound ones. The multiprocessing module is recommended if you wish to parallelise CPU-bound tasks. G...
While everything in Node.js is generally done asynchronously, require() is not one of those things. Since modules in practice only need to be loaded once, it is a blocking operation and should be used properly. Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. Should you be editing a modul...
inline: `Code between backticks` or <code>Code between these HTML tags</code> multiline: ____Code that is indented on each line or <pre><code>Multiple lines of code between these HTML tags</code></pre>
ParameterDetailsindexRootThe root name of the index to hit, the format is expected to be fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", index_root, d.Format("2006.01.02"))keyStringCreates groups (like tagsets) and can also filter those groups. It is the format of "field:regex,field:regex...". T...
When using Channel Groups, you should not add or remove channels in your client side applications. This example shows adding channels to a channel group and subscribing to that channel group for simplicity sake. But in a real world scenario, you should have your server do all the add/remove of cha...
<htmlElement ng-controller="controllerName"> ... </htmlElement> <script> app.controller('controllerName', controllerFunction); </script>
This topic provides basic instructions for obtaining credentials for Watson services and provides relevant links for each service and the Watson Developer Cloud SDKs. Watson services homepages: AlchemyLanguage AlchemyData News Conversation Discovery Document Conversion Language Translatio...
$(function() { $( "#selecter" ).accordion(); }); $(function() { $( "#selecter" ).accordion({ active: 2 }); }); $(function() { $( "#selecter" ).accordion({ animate: 200 }); }); $(function() { $( "#selecter" ).accordion({ collapsible: true }); ...
Some languages require you to define ahead of time what kind of variable you're declaring. JavaScript doesn't do that; it will try to figure that out on its own. Sometimes this can create unexpected behavior. If we use the following HTML <span id="freezing-point">0</span> ...
color: #rgb color: #rrggbb color: rgb[a](<red>, <green>, <blue>[, <alpha>]) color: hsl[a](<hue>, <saturation%>, <lightness%>[, <alpha>]) color: colorkeyword /* green, blue, yellow, orange, red, ..etc */

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