Tutorial by Topics: creating

When WPF application launched, it could take a while for a current language runtime (CLR) to initialize .NET Framework. As a result, first application window can appear some time after application was launched, depending of application complexity. Splash screen in WPF allows application to show eit...
This article will show how to create a complete custom class in VBA. It uses the example of a DateRange object, because a starting and ending date are often passed together to functions.
BufferedImage.getGraphics() always returns Graphics2D. Using a VolatileImage may significantly improve the speed of drawing operations, but also has its drawbacks: its contents may be lost at any moment and they may have to be redrawn from scratch.
Every Xamarin.Forms view has an accompanying renderer for each platform that creates an instance of a native control. When a View is rendered on the specific platform the ViewRenderer class is instantiated. The process for doing this is as follows: Create a Xamarin.Forms custom control. Consume t...
It became much easier to create custom controls in Interface Builder with the introduction of the @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable directives in Swift. Developers can now build rich, complex, fully animated controls using just a few extra lines of code. I'm surprised by how many developers have ye...
pygame.display.set_mode(resolution=(0,0), flags=0, depth=0) # Returns a pygame.Surface representing the window on screen flags = pygame.FULLSCREEN | pygame.OPENGL # Flags can be combined using the "|" (bitwise OR or "pipe") character. parameterexplainationresolutiona pai...
If you want to have other colours as the background, then name a new variable such as red = (255,0,0) and change the display.fill(black) to display.fill(red). You can create colours by storing them in a variable and checking their RGB values from the internet.
Note that a UserControl is very different from a Control. One of the primary differences is that a UserControl makes use of a XAML layout file to determine where to place several individual Controls. A Control, on the other hand, is just pure code - there's no layout file at all. In some ways, cre...

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