Tutorial by Topics: customization

groovy.util.Node = node.find { childNode -> return true || false } node.append(nodeYouWantAsAChild) groovy.util.Node parsedNode = (new XmlParser()).parseText(someRawXMLString) ''' mutli-line string (not interpolated) ''' The three basic files of an IntelliJ project - the ipr, iws, and...
One thing to note is that one has to mention custom.css name after the main bootstrap.css , otherwise the values of custom.css won't get actually implemented.
This topic contains information about customizing the look, feel, and functionality of Terminal. Terminal is easy to customize. Most terminal customization is available through both Terminal > Preferences graphically, and by using terminal commands. The terminal preferences window contains 4 ta...
With classes derived from CustomizationPlug you can utilize capabilities of the Acumatica Customization Platform and execute custom code after the customization project has been published. In this topic you will learn how customization plug-ins can be used to make changes in multiple companies. Mor...
When publishing a customization project, you might see some item being skipped for the reason of being already applied. Ex: EntityEndpoint EntityEndpoint#6.00.001§DefaultPlus(skipped, already applied) This can happen for any items contained saved in the database. Ex: Generic inquiries, reports, s...

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