Tutorial by Topics: display

addChild(child) - adds a new item to this object's child tree as the topmost element. addChildAt(child, index) - adds a new item to this object's child tree at a specified position. The bottom-most item has index of 0. getChildAt(index) - returns a child with given index. getChildIndex(child) r...
Frame-based animation in Flash and AIR implement the following lifecycle: Event.ENTER_FRAME is dispatched Constructor code of children display objects are executed Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED is dispatched Frame actions in the MovieClip symbol is executed Frame actions in children MovieClip sym...
Note: Don't use Repeater in {N}+Angular-2 applications! The *ngRepeat is obsolete directive in Angular-2. When you need to display repeating item patterns use either ListView or *ngFor structural directive.
This is used to display all the Parameters selected in a multi-select by joining them with a comma.
pygame.display.set_mode(resolution=(0,0), flags=0, depth=0) # Returns a pygame.Surface representing the window on screen flags = pygame.FULLSCREEN | pygame.OPENGL # Flags can be combined using the "|" (bitwise OR or "pipe") character. parameterexplainationresolutiona pai...
The DISPLAY statement causes data to be transferred to hardware or software of the operating environment. DISPLAY comes in two forms, UPON device or for display of SCREEN data. Environment variables can also be set with DISPLAY UPON in some implementations of COBOL, along with other extensions f...
When dealing with objects in an MVC app, if any object should be shown in multiple places with the same format, we'd need some kind of standardized layout. ASP.NET MVC has made this kind of standardization easy to do with the inclusion of display and editor templates. In short, display and editor te...

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