Tutorial by Topics: exceptions

Related: MSDN: Exceptions and Exception Handling (C# Programming Guide) MSDN: Handling and Throwing Exceptions MSDN: CA1031: Do not catch general exception types MSDN: try-catch (C# Reference)
Objects of type Throwable and its subtypes can be sent up the stack with the throw keyword and caught with try…catch statements. void someMethod() throws SomeException { } //method declaration, forces method callers to catch if SomeException is a checked exception type try { someMethod();...
An exception is an object that represents the occurrence of an exceptional condition. In other words, it indicates that something went wrong. In Ruby, exceptions are often referred to as errors. That's because the base Exception class exists as a top-level exception object element, but user-defin...
Errors detected during execution are called exceptions and are not unconditionally fatal. Most exceptions are not handled by programs; it is possible to write programs that handle selected exceptions. There are specific features in Python to deal with exceptions and exception logic. Furthermore, exc...
Dart code can throw and catch exceptions. Exceptions are errors indicating that something unexpected happened. If the exception isn’t caught, the isolate that raised the exception is suspended, and typically the isolate and its program are terminated. In contrast to Java, all of Dart’s exceptions...
Further reading More about FaultException: MSDN FaultException
Here in Stack Overflow we often see duplicates talking about the same errors: "ImportError: No module named '??????', SyntaxError: invalid syntax or NameError: name '???' is not defined. This is an effort to reduce them and to have some documentation to link to.
There are a number of exceptions that can be thrown while using a webdriver. The examples below are meant to give an idea of what they mean.
Python has many built-in exceptions which force your program to output an error when something in it goes wrong. However, sometimes you may need to create custom exceptions that serve your purpose. In Python, users can define such exceptions by creating a new class. This exception class has to be ...

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