Tutorial by Topics: frames

data.frame(..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) as.data.frame(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) # generic function as.data.frame(x, ..., stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) # S3 method for cl...
AttributeDetailsnameSets the element's name, to be used with an a tag to change the iframe's src.widthSets the element's width in pixels.heightSets the element's height in pixels.srcSpecifies the page that will be displayed in the frame.srcdocSpecifies the content that will be displayed in the fra...
DataFrame is a data structure provided by pandas library,apart from Series & Panel. It is a 2-dimensional structure & can be compared to a table of rows and columns. Each row can be identified by an integer index (0..N) or a label explicitly set when creating a DataFrame object. Each colu...
Java driver.switchTo().frame(String name); driver.switchTo().frame(String id); driver.switchTo().frame(int index); driver.switchTo().frame(WebElement frameElement); driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); C# driver.SwitchTo().Frame(int frameIndex); driver.SwitchTo().Frame(IWebElement frameEle...
Accessing rows in a dataframe using the DataFrame indexer objects .ix, .loc, .iloc and how it differentiates itself from using a boolean mask.
In web pages contain number of frame, selenium consider Frame is seprate window so access the content present into frame need to switch into frame. Many time we need Web structure where we have frame with in frame to navigate within frame windows Selenium provide swithTo() method.
A code block is a piece of Python program text that can be executed as a unit, such as a module, a class definition or a function body. Some code blocks (like modules) are normally executed only once, others (like function bodies) may be executed many times. Code blocks may textually contain other c...
Aggregation is one of the most common uses for R. There are several ways to do so in R, which we will illustrate here.

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