Tutorial by Topics: gen

The generic types declared within the triangle brackets: <T> Constrainting the generic types is done with the extends keyword: <T extends Car> The generic parameters are not available at runtime, they are just for the compile time. This means you can't do something like this: ...
$this->getSkinUrl('images/my-image.jpg'); images pathdetailsexample: 'images/my-images.jpg'path for image Get formatted images url and avoid theme dependences.
Magento 2 is an open-source e-commerce platform designed to facilitate the common shopping cart structure for webpages. Compared to earlier versions of Magento, the 2.0 version is more streamlined and performant - eliminating problems with table locking and improving on the checkout system for gue...
Error Log Locations /var/log/ Typically the system.log and exception.log file will exist in the /var/log/ folder. These contain most of the information you will need. You can check to see if these are enabled and what the names of the exception and system log are by going to System > Conf...
.htaccess redirection is a common vector for malicious hackers to exploit and infect websites. We have seen what .htaccess files are, how they are used by malicious hackers, and how to protect your website.
Usage: rails generate GENERATOR_NAME [args] [options]. Use rails generate to list available generators. Alias: rails g. ParameterDetails-h/--helpGet help on any generator command-p/--pretendPretend Mode: Run generator but will not create or change any filesfield:type'field-name' is the name of...
ParameterDetails@FromDateThe inclusive lower boundary of the generated date range.@ToDateThe inclusive upper boundary of the generated date range. Most experts seem to recommend creating a Dates table instead of generating a sequence on the fly. See http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/86435/f...
Generics allow you to define placeholders for exact types in definitions for classes, interfaces and/or methods. Possible subtopics: Class (and structure) generics Interface generics Method generics Constraints Covariance and contravariance
ParameterDefinition-h, --helpoutput usage information-V, --versionoutput the version number-e, --ejsadd pjs (Embedded JavaScript) templating engine support (defaults to jade, which has been renamed to Pug)--hbsadd handlebars templating engine support-H, --hoganadd hogan.js engine support--gitadd .g...
T4 Syntax <#@...#> //Declaring properties including templates, assemblies and namespaces and the language the template uses Plain Text //Declaring text that can be looped through for the files generated <#=...#> //Declaring Scripts <#+...#> //Declaring scriptlets <#...#&g...
ParameterdetailsauthorAuthor of the packageexamplesThe following lines will be examples on how to use the documented functionexportTo export the function - i.e. make it callable by users of the packageimportPackage(s) namespace(s) to importimportFromFunctions to import from the package (first name ...

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