Tutorial by Topics: h

Java does not allow the name of enum to start with number like 100A, 25K. In that case, we can append the code with _ (underscore) or any allowed pattern and make check of it.
This topic covers the creation of HTML reports for selenium tests. There are various types of plugins available for reporting and the widely used are Allure, ExtentReports and ReportNG.
Change root (chroot) is an operation that changes the apparent root directory for the current running process and their children. A program that is run in such a modified environment cannot access files and commands outside that environmental directory tree. chroot [destination path] [shell or...
When you create searches with Suitescript, you could provide as "filters" either array of Filter objects, or filter expression. The second option is more readable and gives you very flexible option to provide nested expressions (up to 3 levels) using not only the default "AND", b...
Connecting your WatchOS application to your iOS application can be a task to complete when you have never done it before. This tutorial will show you the basic fundamentals in order to accomplish this very important task.
There are two methods to get messages and informations from your bot: The /getUpdates function wich is documented pretty straight forward in the spectific section of the documentation Next: The webhook function which is a bit more complex and often causes issues. The difference basically is that ...
Bash is often commonly used in the management and maintenance of servers and clusters. Information pertaining to typical commands used by network operations, when to use which command for which purpose, and examples/samples of unique and/or interesting applications of it should be included
This section provides an overview of what scapy is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within scapy, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for scapy is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
This section provides an overview of what statistics is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within statistics, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for statistics is new, you may need to create initial versions of those rel...
NUI : A natural user interface (NUI) is a system for human-computer interaction that the user operates through intuitive actions related to natural, everyday human behavior. Kivy is a Python library for development of multi-touch enabled media rich applications which can be installed on different d...
Slaesforce StandardSetController hold only List of sObject, It will not holdslist of wrapper class object. Below source code demonstrates the usage of Paginating using Wrapper Class in sales-force.
Concepts of weak Hashmap
LinkedHashMap class is Hash table and Linked list implementation of the Map interface, with predictable iteration order. It inherits HashMap class and implements the Map interface. The important points about Java LinkedHashMap class are: A LinkedHashMap contains values based on the key. It contai...
Data validation allows user to create a drop-down list and restrict values in the cell to these entries. Due to limitation Excel can't bind more than 256 characters programmatically. To bind more than 256 characters one can follow explained approach.
Creating the data validation constraint can be tricky and time taking in NPOI. I have shared some of my workable approach. These approach will give good idea to customize your own constraint types.
Flashing message to the template by flash() function. flash(message, category='message') flash('hello, world!') flash('This is a warning message', 'warning') messagethe message to be flashed.categorythe message's category, the default is message. Template Inheritance API
The documentation provides a sample implementation of the inter-process communication between C# and Python scripts. Note that in the example above data is serialized using MongoDB.Bson library that can be installed via NuGet manager. Otherwise, you can use any JSON serialization library of y...
It is .NET version of POI Java project. it allows to read/write xls, doc, ppt files without Microsoft Office installed. Details about documentation is available here:https://github.com/tonyqus/npoi
rspec-expectations ships with a number of built-in matchers. Each matcher can be used with expect(..).to or expect(..).not_to to define positive and negative expectations respectively on an object.

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