Tutorial by Topics: import

import module_name import module_name.submodule_name from module_name import * from module_name import submodule_name [, class_name, function_name, ...etc] from module_name import some_name as new_name from module_name.submodule_name import class_name [, function_name, ...etc] Importi...
import {component} from 'libName'; // Will import the class "component" import {component as c} from 'libName'; // Will import the class "component" into a "c" object import component from 'libname'; // Will import the default export from libName import * as lib fr...
MDN documentation for imports: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/web/javascript/reference/statements/import MDN documentation for exports: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/web/javascript/reference/statements/export ExploringJS chapter on modules: http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_modules.ht...
More information can be found at http://import.jekyllrb.com/
module my.package; import my.package; import my.package : function; import fancyName = mypackage; import my.package : fancyFunctionName = function; Modules automatically provide a namespace scope for their contents. Modules superficially resemble classes, but differ in that: There's ...
<rdbms-jdbc-url> // RDBMS JDBC URL <username> // Username of the RDBMS database <password> // Password of the RDBMS database <table-name> // RDBMS database table <hdfs-home-dir> // HDFS home directory <condition> // Condition that can be expressed in the fo...
ParameterDescription--delete -Dempty the table before importing the text file--fields-optionally-enclosed-bydefine the character that quotes the fields--fields-terminated-byfield terminator--ignore -iignore the ingested row in case of duplicate-keys--lines-terminated-bydefine row terminator--passwo...
AssetPostprocessor.OnPreprocessTexture() Use String.Contains() to process only assets that have a given string in their asset paths. if (assetPath.Contains("ProcessThisFolder")) { // Process asset }
Sqoop incremental import comes into picture because of a phenomenon called CDC i.e. Change Data Capture. Now what is CDC? CDC is a design pattern that captures individual data changes instead of dealing with the entire data. Instead of dumping our entire database, using CDC, we could capture ju...
The user contacts data will be received in JSON format, we extract it and finally we loop through this data and thus we get the google contacts.
This technique can also be used for other data sources e.g. files, web services. Note that when you do change these settings, you may have to specify Authentication/Credential details for the new source.
How to import data from an existing Excel or CSV file.
In this example, lets say we have many product CSV files in a folder. Each CSV file need to upload our database from our console write a command. Run the following command in a new or existing project to create this model.
Open the directory of your ember.js project, You will find there a file named ember-cli-build.js. You can install Your libraries or plugins using bower, then point the import to the bower_components folder, but if you have a file You want to add, just drag them to the folder of Your project and writ...

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