Tutorial by Topics: input

How to validade user inputs. Validation constrains the values a user can input into a cell, and/or set a combobox for the user select the value for the cell. Optionally, a message can be displayed when the user clicks in a cell and a message error, when the validation fails.
This section shows basic code for reading, sub-setting and writing external data files using pandas.
Spatiotemporal data, or data with spatial and temporal qualities, are a common occurrence. Examples include videos, as well as sequences of image-like data, such as spectrograms. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are particularly suited for finding spatial patterns. Recurrent Neural Networks (RN...
To get a user's input and store it in a variable, you can use the InputBox command. The script will not continue executing commands until the user either presses 'OK' or 'Cancel'. 'OK' will close the window and save the user's input 'Cancel' will close the window, discarding the user's input ...
The standard library <iostream> defines few streams for input and output: |stream | description | |-------|----------------------------------| |cin | standard input stream | |cout | standard output stream | |cerr | standard error (output...

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