Tutorial by Topics: iterator

The java.util.Iterator is the standard Java SE interface for object that implement the Iterator design pattern. The java.lang.Iterable interface is for objects that can provide an iterator. It is possible to iterate over an array using the for-each loop, though java arrays do not implement Iterab...
An iterator is a method, get accessor, or operator that performs a custom iteration over an array or collection class by using the yield keyword
Iterators are a powerful language feature in Rust, described by the Iterator trait. Iterators allow you to perform many operations on collection-like types, e.g. Vec<T>, and they are easily composable.
An async function is one that returns a promise. await yields to the caller until the promise resolves and then continues with the result. An iterator allows the collection to be looped through with a for-of loop. An async iterator is a collection where each iteration is a promise which can be awa...
When using async callback we need to consider scope. Especially if inside a loop. This simple article shows what not to do and a simple working example.

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