Tutorial by Topics: loops

for (<initializer>; <loop condition>; <loop statement>) { <statements> } while (<condition>) { <statements> } do { <statements> } while (<condition>); foreach (<el>, <collection>) foreach_reverse (<el>, <collection>) ...
This section provides an overview of what loops is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within loops, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for loops is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
/* all versions */ for ([expression]; [expression]; [expression]) one_statement for ([expression]; [expression]; [expression]) { zero or several statements } while (expression) one_statement while (expression) { zero or several statements } do one_statement while (expression); do { one o...
while cond; body; end break continue The while loop does not have a value; although it can be used in expression position, its type is Void and the value obtained will be nothing.
for(init; condition; increment){ content_code(); } // general syntax for(int i = 0; i < numberRuns; ++i){ actions_with(i); } // run an action for a numberRuns times for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(array); ++i){ actions_with(array[i]); } // iteration over an array
This document describes some common ways to add animation directly into your Three.js scenes. While there are libraries and frameworks that can add dynamic movement to your scene (tweens, physics, etc), it is helpful to understand how you can do this yourself simply with a few lines of code. The c...
Delphi language provide 3 types of loop for - iterator for fixed sequence over integer, string, array or enumeration repeat-until - quit condition is checking after each turn, loop executing at minimum once tmeeven while do - do condition is checking before each turn, loop could be never executed...
Loops considered as one of the important control structures in any programming language. There are different ways in which we can achieve loop coverage. These methods differ based on type of loop. Single loops Nested Loops Concatenated loops
As you already know, for the sake of immutability you can't process data using for loops and while loops. So we have recursive functions to rescue.
In Python function will be returned as soon as execution hits "return" statement.

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