Tutorial by Topics: m

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's open source, developed and maintained by Facebook. Meteor has production-ready support for React. Resources: React tutorial Meteor + React tutorial
Gemfile documentation For projects that are expected to grow, it is a good idea add comments your Gemfile. That way, even in large setups you will still know what each gem does even if the name is not self-explanatory and you added it 2 years ago. This can also help you to remember why you cho...
public class MyClass implements Comparable<MyClass> public class MyComparator implements Comparator<SomeOtherClass> public int compareTo(MyClass other) public int compare(SomeOtherClass o1, SomeOtherClass o2) When implementing a compareTo(..) method which depends upon a doub...
A greedy algorithm is an algorithm in which in each step we choose the most beneficial option in every step without looking into the future. The choice depends only on current profit. Greedy approach is usually a good approach when each profit can be picked up in every step, so no choice blocks ...
It is possible to put a Python package in a ZIP file, and use it that way if you add these lines to the beginning of your script: import sys sys.path.append("package.zip")
The most common comment types are line and s-expression comment (using ; and #; respectively). It is common to use from 1 to 3 semi colons depending on the type of comment made. Refer to ???
Comments are used to show information in a batch script. REM &REM :: &:: Goto :Label Comments. You can also use |>< ,etc. :Label
#include <math.h> double pow(double x, double y); float powf(float x, float y); long double powl(long double x, long double y); To link with math library use -lm with gcc flags. A portable program that needs to check for an error from a mathematical function should set errno ...
How to exract tar.gz/bz2/tbz files : If Your File Extension is .tar.gz (or .tgz) use this command tar xvzf file.tar.gz x: This tells tar to extract the files. v: This option will list all of the files one by one in the archive. The “v” stands for “verbose.” z: The z option is ...

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